1. What are the important registration and payment criteria?


  • Students who enrolled before the 2015 academic year must register for classes and pay according to the
    academic calendar set by the university. If there is a necessity that prevents them from paying the fee on the registration day, they must submit a request for payment of the fee to the university no later than the 14th week of that semester. However, they must pay a fine of 20 baht per day, not exceeding 1,000 baht per semester in total.
  • Since the first semester of 2015, the university will not allow students who do not register
    and pay the registration fee to enter the class, and lecturers will not be able to count the number of students to calculate the average number of students for use in teaching.
  • In the event that a student does not register and does not pay the registration fee in any semester as per Section 1,
    they cannot request to register retroactively and cannot take the exam. The student must maintain their student status in that semester.
    Note: This applies from semester 1/2015 onwards until there is a change. Announced on September 1, 2015.
  1. How many credits can students register for?


  • Regular students may register for no more than 22 credits per semester.
  • Special program students may register for no more than 15 credits per semester, except for the final semester in which they will graduate.
  1. In what cases can students register for courses with more credits than the regulations stipulate?

And what should be done?


In the case of the last semester to complete the course of study, the following must be done:

  • Write a request for over-registration (download the request form from the website http://.reg.rru.ac.th)
  • Submit a request with attached course verification structure form to the registrar.
  • Waiting for approval results
  1. Unable to register because the student’s name is not on the course reservation list. What should I do?


Contact the registrar to check your student status or if the student still owes registration fees.

  1. Students cannot register because they forgot their password. What should they do?


Contact the registrar to reset the student’s password.

  1. What is the difference between adding/dropping a course and canceling a course?


  • Adding/dropping a course is changing a course that has already been registered. Students
    can change within two weeks of the start of the semester for the regular semester and within one week of the start of the semester for the summer semester.
  • Course cancellation means a request to cancel a course that has already been registered but has passed
    the course adding/dropping period (according to Section 1). Any course cancellation must be approved by the instructor and the department chairperson. The student must complete the course cancellation at least one week before the final exam.
  1. If students want to add a course, what should they do?


  • Write a request to add subjects (download the request form from the website http://.reg.rru.ac.th)
  • Submit a petition for the instructor to sign.
  • Submit a request at the registrar’s office
  • The registrar issues registration forms to new students.
  1. I have registered but want to cancel some courses. What should I do?


  • Write a request to cancel a course (download the request form from the website http://.reg.rru.ac.th)


  • Submit a petition for the instructor to sign.
  • Submit a request at the registrar’s office
  • The registrar cancels courses on the system.
  1. If a student wants to cancel a course, what should they do?


  • Write a request to cancel a course (download the request form from the website http://.reg.rru.ac.th)
  • Submit a petition for the instructor to sign.
  • Submit a request at the registrar’s office
  • The registrar cancels courses on the system.
  1. If you check the courses offered in the next semester and find that the course you want to study is not available, what should you do?

You have to wait until that semester and then look at it. If there really isn’t any, contact the registrar (considered
on a case-by-case basis).

  1. In the case that courses in the old curriculum are no longer offered, what should I do if I want to study a new curriculum instead of a course in the old curriculum?


  • Write a request to open a course (download the request form from the website http://.reg.rru.ac.th)
  • Fill in the information in full and neat style. Ask for the opinions of the advisor, the opinions of the department and the faculty related to that subject.
  • Submit the application to the registrar’s office and wait for approval.
  • Once the application is approved, you can register for the courses that you requested to be opened.

Add/withdraw registration period

  1. What are the guidelines or criteria for requesting to open additional subjects?

Answer   : Open only courses that are not yet open in that semester / Open after graduation / Open to study together with a new curriculum that has the same or similar course names and descriptions.

  1. I have paid the registration fee but I no longer have student status. What should I do if I want to get a refund?


  • Write a general petition (download the petition from the website http://.reg.rru.ac.th)
  • Submit the request with the attached receipt to the registrar’s office and wait for approval.
  1. In what cases can students re-register?


  • Failed the required subjects according to the curriculum structure.
  • Failed the specialized subject exam, elective subject group. Students can change to register for other specialized subjects, elective subjects according to the curriculum structure, except for the Bachelor of Laws program, which requires students to register for the same subjects until they pass.
  • If you fail an elective subject, you can change to register for another subject.
  1. The duration of study for a bachelor’s degree program is not less than how many years and not more than how many years?


  • 4-year bachelor’s degree program
    1. Regular students, not less than 3 academic years and not more than 8 academic years
    2. Special program students for no less than 3 academic years and no more than 10 academic years.
  • 5-year bachelor’s degree program
    1. Regular students, not less than 4 academic years and not more togel than 10 academic years
    2. Special program students, not less than 4 academic years and not more than 12 academic years
  • Bachelor’s Degree Program (Continuing)
    1. Total credits not less than 72 credits, completion of studies not less than 2 academic years and not exceeding the period specified by the university.
  1. If a student has completed all the courses as specified in the curriculum and has a cumulative grade point average of 1.80 or higher but less than 2.00, what should the student do?


Students are required to choose additional courses to achieve a cumulative grade point average of at least 2.00.